Free Nintendo 3ds Games Codes

Advertisement Get free games for your Wii or Nintendo 3DS, for real. It’s not a scam: all you need to do is register games you’ve already purchased and cash in the resulting points. If you’ve never bothered to register your Nintendo games, you can’t be blamed. Until recently the prizes were mostly either useless or way too expensive, at least in North America. “Grill Off With Ultra Hand” is an amusing arcade game, but who needs screensavers or note pads?

Free Nintendo 3ds Games Websites

This all changed last month, when Nintendo announced it planned to give away two different games to Club Nintendo members every month. The first two games, Super Mario Kart (SNES) and Fluidity, suggest Nintendo is planning on giving away some pretty nice titles. Step One: Find Your Pin Numbers First things first: you’re going to need to find numbers to enter online.

Nov 19, 2018 - Still got that Nintendo 3DS? Fire it up with these free games!

Free Nintendo 3ds Games Codes

Nintendo Eshop Free Download Codes

Open the boxes of your Nintendo games and look for a red card like this: This card includes a number, which you can use to register your game. If you’ve got a Wii or a DS, check the box it came in: recent systems also came with one worth quite a few points. Step Three: Get Your Free Games Assuming you registered two games successfully, you have enough points to get at least one game. Click the game you want on the Rewards page, then click the game you want. The best games should be at the top, under “Featured.” These games will change regularly, so just wait a while if you don’t like any of the games currently being offered. Once you click the game you want, you’ll see this on the right side if you can afford to download: If you can’t afford a given game, you’ll see something like this.